Here are three items, not originally for knitters, repurposed as helpers.
1. Roll up pencil case as circular needle holder
IKEA has one called Solfågel, which costs under $10.00, or you can find roll up pencil cases in art supply stores. This is new to me, but I'm happy to have found it. There are two ways to insert needles. Either hang it up with needles stored dangling on their cables. Or, store the needles side-by-side with the cables sticking out the top. In this configuration, the case can be rolled up to take along.
2. Desktop carousel as organizer
I've used this for years. The little drawers hold stitch markers, spools of heel yarn, bobby pins: all manner of tiny things. DPN's live in the elastic loops. Scissors hang from the hooks. Knitting needles, crochet hooks, and reading glasses live in the upright compartments. Sewing and darning needles live in the label frames. Hint: shove small balls of scrap yarn into the bottom of the deeper compartments to keep pencils and crochet hooks from sliding into oblivion. It is available from Michaels.
3. Rolling pet food container holds stash
These come in different sizes, some short enough to store under a desk or table. See-through ones are handiest. Iris makes a variety of sizes, some airtight. Moths can't find their way into airtight packaging, but, to be safe, drop in a bar of scented soap. If one of those little hell-spawn hitches a ride on a ball of yarn, the scent will confuse its little mind. I own several of the 47 quart size, some for yarn, some to store FO's. These hold an amazing amount and are sturdy enough to pile other things on top of, such as more containers. Mine are many years old and remain good as new.
Just to be clear, I have no commercial relationship with any of these companies.