click picture

click picture

1. Begin with long-tail casting-on. Long-tail casting on actually consists of a foundation row AND a knitted first row. This double row is substantial and so is easier to keep "sunny side up" when joining.
2. For the first stitch of long-tail casting-on, do not use a slip knot. Instead, use a simple loop.(more info about the simple loop in the long tail post)
3. Make the cast-on row as follows:
click picture

- Make the first stitch as a simple loop over one needle, not two.
- Make the next two stitches as ordinary long-tail cast-on stitches, again looping over one needle, not two.
- After you've created the first three stitches, create additional cast-on stitches by looping over two needles until you have TWO LESS stitches than you need, total.
- Create the next two cast-on stitches over only one needle.
- ADD AN ADDITIONAL stitch, again casting on over only one needle.
- Count your stitches. You should have one stitch more than you need, and the first and last three stitches should have been cast on over only one needle (not two)
- In the photo above, the first stitch cast on (extreme right) is made by a simple loop. There are 23 stitches cast on, for a 22 stitch tube.
- Make sure that the stitches are "sunny side up" (not twisted).
- Pull out one needle so all the stitches lie on one needle. (For dpn's, distribute evenly among 3 or 4 needles.) Arrange your work so the cast-on stitches to knit first lie on your LEFT needle.
- Slip the first stitch (the one you made by the simple loop method) from the left needle to the right needle WITHOUT knitting it.
- Starting with the second stitch, knit all the way around.
- When you come to the end, knit the last stitch together with that first slipped stitch (in knitting parlance, knit 2 together, abbreviated k2tog).
- SLIP THE NEXT STITCH (which was the second stitch you created, and the first stitch you knitted).
- OPTIONAL: If you want to mark the beginning of the round, insert a stitch marker after this most recently slipped stitch.
- Catch the tail yarn and hold it together with the standing yarn (standing yarn=the yarn coming from the ball). Knit the next three stitches with BOTH yarns, then drop the tail yarn and continue with the ball yarn.