
Thursday, April 1, 2021

Knitting crossword (by TECHKnitter)

knitted crossword by TECHknitter
Solvable knitting crossword
What's is this, you ask?  It's the answer-board for a knit-themed crossword!  

Solvable knitting x-word by TECHknitter

For April Fools, 2021, I've constructed you a crossword and knitted the board! (There's a conventional plain-background version, too, below the clues)


click here for a one-page plain-background printer-friendly grid (this is the grid reproduced below ▼ the clues).  Print selection, work from the clue lists below, then check your answers by clicking here for the on-line completed grid.


click here for a four-page printer-ready google-drive PDF featuring plain (no background) grid, clue lists in larger type, + filled-in answer grid.



1. Breakfast, lunch, dinner or corn

5.   The first thing you might knit to start an afghan, or a kind of 29-down

10. “___ Fi Fo Fum”

13. Madrid’s other

14. Not a soul, or Chaucer’s lunchtime

15. Sicknesses

16. St. John’s most iconic knitted garment

17. An unusual word for unusual

18. Joseph’s ____ of many colors

19. It’d be a good name for a gleaming harmonica, but it’s actually a knitting machine brand

21. Shallowest of the Great Lakes

22. Rage

23. A knitted shape between pencil and full-circle

24. An attachment for 19-across, or the Ravelry feature which scrolls FO’s

27. Ship’s emergency

30. Country of the Hunger Games, or “_____ et circenses” (bread and circuses, Latin)

31. Handy item for steam blocking

32. -ware or wall, it’s usually brown

34. Regard

35. What the knitter does who puts her work down for the night, or the wheels on the bus

36. Designed for two to play together

40. “Filato” is yarn and “maglieria” is knitting, in this langage of times new Roman

42. “____ Thin Air” (1997 Everest bestseller)

43.  The ball of yarn emoji is a _____-gram

46 A left leaning decrease

47. More slippery

48. Splice yarn ends together

49. Where cowboys often take to the air (inits.)

50. Interest, heart, currency exchange: they all have one

51. They start (or end) just above the heel, and end (or start) at the toe

58. 5-across + 29-down = this “tender” cut of beef

59. A different-looking juvenile

60. Kent State state

61. B&B’s

62. Broadcasting now

63. Laze

64. Two years old and never been shorn

65. Often a form of 51-across, you knit them with a separate toe

66. Drunks


1. A woodsy stitch

2.  Queen Victoria probably stored her crochet hook in one

3. Pomegranate seed

4. Amazingly, 4500 pairs were hand-knit for a 2006 NATO conference in Riga

5. If you do this, you might need a CPAP machine

6. What a group of knitters may go on to get to Shetland

7.  Knitting by ____ (autopilot)

8. As to (Latin)

9.  Micturated

10. 2-shilling coin

11.  Julia Louis-Dreyfus’s most famous role

12.  Value highly

15. Lettlopi, plötulopi, bulky lopi…ALL the lopi’s

20. What you do before you frog

23. Gorilla or orangutan

24. “Get ___ of” (destash)

25. “You ___ here” 

26. Anonymous Jane

27. A schooner has a suit of them

28. Fragrant iris root, a base for potpourri

29.  See 5-across and 58-across; you’d eat it at a 1-across

32. Anticipation of journey’s end (inits.)

33  QVC competitor

37. Where a Liverpudlian might head after upper sixth

38. Parisian summer

39. Rocky crag or underground network

41. You might Kitchener stitch this closed

43.  What you’d do to make a “backwards” garter stitch fabric

44. “__ _ ___ horse open sleigh”

45. Historians are doing it with their sources

47 “No ___, ands or buts”

49. “My _____, you are all certainly knitworthy!”

51. How much yarn you’d have if 24-down applied to you

52. Granny

53. Krusty ____ (an undersea dive)

54. 57 in times old Roman

55. Say it twice and you’re a train

56. Och aye, knitted hose sets this off

57. Martian days

PLAIN GRID (printer-friendly)

Select above image and print.  If you can't select, go to for a printable version of the grid, or click here for four-page google-drive printable PDF with grid + clues (in larger type) + answers included.

 For more info on the creation of this project + comments re: some of the more obscure clues, go to the project page on Ravelry. That page also hosts alternative links to the board, clues, and answer grid, just in case the links in this post aren't working for you. 

Many thanks to ESA, ESA, EB, MM, CR + Anons, who "test knit:" straighted out numbering, improved clues, offered suggestions, explained the British educational system, and even caught a spelling error in the first version (oops!)


PS: It became a pillow with a hot pink back!  More info on the pillow-ing process at the Ravelry project page.